PF3D7_1355500 serine/threonine protein phosphatase 5

Stage specific expression and intracellular localisation. Indirect immunofluorescence analysis was performed on thin smears of mixed P. falciparum cultures to localise PfPP5. Different stages were observed under a ZEISS fluorescence microscope with interference contrast, with the FITC channel for detection of PfPP5 and with the DAPI channel to visualise DNA. Both FITC and DAPI images were merged to show concordance. PfPP5 appears to be concentrated in the nucleus, as evidenced by its colocalisation in

nuclear material as counterstained with the dye DAPI. However, the protein is also detectable in the cytoplasm of P. falciparum although in a lower concentration

Lindenthal C, Klinkert MQ. Identification and biochemical characterisation of a protein phosphatase 5 homologue from Plasmodium falciparum. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 2002 120(2):257-68.
