PF3D7_0208500 acyl carrier protein

The distribution of PTS-GFP and apicoplast GFP during asexual maturation through late rings to the trophozoite stage. B, 18-h rings untreated (B, i and ii), or treated with 0.01% saponin (B, iii and iv). C, 36 h trophozoites untreated (C, i and ii), or treated with 0.01% saponin (C, iii and iv).Microscopic analysis of 18-h rings revealed green fluorescence primarily in the periphery of the parasite. Low levels of green fluorescence were also seen in association with apicoplast DNA (B, i and ii). When cells were treated with 0.01% saponin, there was loss of peripheral fluorescence. However, apicoplast-associated green fluorescence could be detected in the parasite (compare B, i and ii with iii and iv). In contrast in 36-h trophozoites, green fluorescence was prominently associated with the apicoplast (C, i and ii). This association was preserved even after treatment with 0.01% saponin (C, iii and iv). The bulk (70–80%) of PTS-GFP synthesized in the ring stages, transited through the PV prior to processing to GFP in the apicoplast at the trophozoite stage.

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