PF3D7_0208500 acyl carrier protein

Colocalization of Atg8 and the apicoplast. The indicated stages of P. falciparum D10 parasites expressing the apicoplast marker ACP-GFP were evaluated for colocalization of PfAtg8 with the apicoplast. The images show PfAtg8 (Atg8) and apicoplast (ACP-GFP), merged Atg8 and apicoplast signals (Atg8+GFP), nuclear stain (DAPI), parasite and erythrocyte boundaries (Bright field), and the merged of all the four images (Merge). Note that PfAtg8 signal is distributed throughout the parasite as puncta, which partially overlaps with the apicoplast, particularly in the late trophozoite stage.

Navale R, Atul, Allanki AD, Sijwali PS. Characterization of the Autophagy Marker Protein Atg8 Reveals Atypical Features of Autophagy in Plasmodium falciparum. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 26;9(11):e113220. PMID:

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_1019900 autophagy-related protein 8