PF3D7_0816900 adenylate kinase 2

Upper panel: Deletion of the stretch of basic residues at the N-terminus of PfAK2 alters the subcellular location of the protein. (A) The AK2Δ21-30/GFP was expressed using the CRT promoter (construct indicated above the images). Live cell imaging of the PfAK2Δ21-30/GFP parasite line in a late trophozoite stage parasite.

Lower panel: The PfAK2 N-terminus targets GFP to the outside of the parasite plasma membrane. (A) The AK21-37/GFP was expressed using the CRT

promoter (construct indicated above the images). Live cell imaging of the PfAK21-37/GFP in trophozoite and schizont stages, showed a location of the GFP signal similar to that of PfAK2/GFP. In the schizont stage of these parasites a clear signal for the fusion protein was visible around each of the individual

daughter merozoites.

Thavayogarajah T, Gangopadhyay P, Rahlfs S, Becker K, Lingelbach K, Przyborski JM, Holder AA. Alternative Protein Secretion in the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium falciparum. PLoS One. 2015 Apr 24;10(4):e0125191.

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