PF3D7_0631400 Pfmc-2TM Maurer's cleft two transmembrane protein

Immunoelectron microscopy of saponin permeabilized IE to confirm PfMC-2TM presence at the erythrocyte membrane. a, b A preembedding staining protocol was applied to analyse PfMC-2TM membrane association by immunoelectron microscopy. Trophozoite IE were permeabilized with saponin and incubated with the immune serum rabbit α-PfMC-2TM-CT (I) or the respective pre-immune serum (PI). Recognized proteins are visualized with 10 nm gold particles. Different sections are shown depicting PfMC-2TM association with the erythrocyte membrane (a) and with Maurer’s clefts (b).

Bachmann A, Scholz JA, Janßen M, Klinkert MQ, Tannich E, Bruchhaus I, Petter M. A comparative study of the localization and membrane topology of members of the RIFIN, STEVOR and PfMC-2TM protein families in Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes. Malar J. 2015 Jul 14:274.
