PF3D7_1017300 golgi re-assembly stacking protein 2

Immunofluorescence images showing the Golgi morphology in AlF4􀀀 and vinblastine treated parasites. (A) PfGRASP localization in control parasites for AlF4treatment, (B) Golgi morphology in AlF4- treated parasites (17 parasites counted, Golgi structure was dispersed in 95% parasites), (C) Pf-

GRASP localization in solvent (PBS) control parasites for vinblastine treatment, (D) Golgi morphology in vinblastine-treated parasites (18 parasites counted, Golgi structure was dispersed in 95% parasites),

(E) Golgi morphology in parasites reverted after vinblastine treatment (11 parasites counted, Intact Golgi structure was observed in 90% parasites). Scale Bar: 10 mm.

Chaudhari R, Dey V, Narayan A, Sharma S, Patankar S. Membrane and luminal proteins reach the apicoplast by different trafficking pathways in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. PeerJ. 2017 Apr 27;5:e3128.

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PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_1212000 glutathione peroxidase-like thioredoxin peroxidase