PF3D7_1121600 parasitophorous vacuole membrane antigen QF 116 exported protein 1 circumsporozoite-related antigen

Effect of artemisinin on membrane transport in the PVM and TVM of infected red cells. Single optical sections taken through infected red cells mock treated (A) or incubated with artemisinin (B) and labeled with BODIPY C5-ceramide (green) and anti-Exp1 antibodies (red) as described in Section 2. A large Exp1 labeled loop is marked by a small thin arrow in panel A and seen at the top right hand side corner of the parasite in panel B. In (B) small thin arrows indicate additional sites of Exp1 budding. For both panels, arrow head indicates Exp1 in the periphery of the parasite, large arrow indicates position of the red cell membrane and parasite nuclei appear purple:blue. Scale bar 5 mm.

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