PF3D7_0731500 erythrocyte binding antigen-175

Localization of PfEBA175, PfAMA1, and PfCDPK5. (A and B) Schizonts from [+] Shld-1 3D7-PfCDPK5DDKnL parasites were fixed, probed with anti-HA and anti-PfEBA175 (A) or anti-PfAMA1 and anti-PfEBA175 (B) antibodies, and visualized by SR-SIM. The xz plane and yz plane are shown at the top and right, respectively, for panel B. The crosshairs indicate one of the limited sites of colocalization. Bars, 2 mm. PfCDPK5 did not colocalize as strongly with PfEBA175 as it did with PfAMA1 (A). The limited regions of colocalization seen with high levels of PfCDPK5 expression largely correspond to the diffuse apical staining of PfCDPK5 and not the more intense punctate regions of PfCDPK5 staining. To confirm this result, we costained parasites with antibodies against PfAMA1 and PfEBA175. As has been hypothesized before by epifluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy, we found that at superresolution, these two proteins show limited regions of colocalization and largely define different subsets of micronemes.

Absalon S, Blomqvist K, Rudlaff RM, DeLano TJ, Pollastri MP, Dvorin JD. Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 5 Is Required for Release of Egress-Specific Organelles in Plasmodium falciparum. MBio. 2018 9(1). pii: e00130-18

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_1133400 apical membrane antigen 1
PF3D7_1337800 calcium-dependent protein kinase 5, CDPK5