PF3D7_0402200 surface-associated interspersed protein 4.1 (SURFIN 4.1), pseudogene

The effect of Ala replacements within the SURFIN4.1 N-terminal region for export in the P. falciparum line 3D7S8 (B) Live cell imaging of MS822-background transfectants expressing modified SURFIN4.1N4-T-Cyt (N4TC) protein. Scale bar = 5 μm. Live imaging indicated that D37A, for which reduction was not observed in the MS822-background transfectant, showed signals in the iRBC cytoplasm similar to N4TC (N4 region fused to the transmembrane domain and a short cytoplasmic region). Signal in the iRBC cytoplasm of D34A, K35A, D37A, and D40A replacements were similar to N4TC

Chitama BA, Miyazaki S, Zhu X, Kagaya W, Yahata K, Kaneko O. Multiple charged amino acids of Plasmodium falciparum SURFIN(4.1) N-terminal region are important for efficient export to the red blood cell. Parasitol Int. 2019. pii: S1383-5769(19)30092-3.
