PF3D7_0202000 knob-associated histidine-rich protein

Spectrin binding is required for correct knob formation. (A,B) Sheared membranes prepared from RBCs infected with CS2, K530, K405 and K362 parasite lines at 40 h post-invasion were imaged by SEM and dSTORM (A; anti-KAHRP mAb18.2). Images are displayed as 1 x 1 μm zoomed panels. Scale bar: 500 nm. (C) Projections from electron tomograms of negatively-stained preparations of schizont-infected RBCs from the CS2, K530 and K405 lines. The spiral structures were segmented manually, shown as an overlays in the bottom panel. Scale bar: 50 nm

Looker O, Blanch AJ, Liu B, Nunez-Iglesias J, McMillan PJ, Tilley L, Dixon MWA. The knob protein KAHRP assembles into a ring-shaped structure that underpins virulence complex assembly. PLoS Pathog. 2019 May 9;15(5):e1007761
