PF3D7_1218300 AP-2 complex subunit mu

P. falciparum AP-2m does not interact with clathrin heavy chain. Maximum intensity projection IFA of representative trophozoite and schizont stages of 3D7-AP-2m-3xHA parasites, from among at least 100 cells examined at each stage, probed with both m-HA antibodies and m-PfCHC, which are green and red in the merge images, respectively. Scale bar, 2 mm. Using an anti-P. falciparum clathrin antibody, validated on a parasite line expressing PfCHC-2xFKBP-GFP (Fig. 5A), we also found evidence by IFA that AP-2-3xHA and CHC are localized to separate compartments.

Henrici RC, Edwards RL, Zoltner M, van Schalkwyk DA, Hart MN, Mohring F, Moon RW, Nofal SD, Patel A, Flueck C, Baker DA, Odom John AR, Field MC, Sutherland CJ. The Plasmodium falciparum Artemisinin Susceptibility-Associated AP-2 Adaptin μ Subunit is Clathrin Independent and Essential for Schizont Maturation. mBio. 2020 Feb 25;11(1). pii: e02918-19.

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_1219100 clathrin heavy chain, putative