Malaria Parasite Metabolic Pathways
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Models for protein transport to the membrane of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes
Putative trafficking pathways in P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes I - Diagrammatic representation
Glycine and Serine metabolism
Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine metabolism
Lysine metabolism
Methionine and Polyamine metabolism
Nitrogen metabolism
Phenylalanine and Tyrosine metabolism
Selenocysteine biosynthesis
Glyoxalase metabolism
Mannose and Fructose metabolism
Pentose Phosphate Cycle
Aminosugars metabolism
Dolichol metabolism
Fatty acids elongation in the endoplasmic reticulum
Fatty acid synthesis in the apicoplast
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor biosynthesis
Inositol Phosphate metabolism
Isoprenoids metabolism
Phosphatidylcholine metabolism
Phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine metabolism
Sphingomyelin and ceramide metabolism
Terpenoid metabolism
Utilization of phospholipids
Purine metabolism
Pyrimidine metabolism
CoA biosynthesis
Compartmentalization of porphyrin biosynthesis
Folate biosynthesis
Nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism
One-carbon enzyme systems serine hydroxymethyltransferase and glycine-cleavage complex
Porphyrin metabolism
Pyridoxal phosphate (Vitamin B6) metabolism
Riboflavin metabolism and Flavin-containing proteins
Shikimate biosynthesis
Thiamine metabolism
Ubiquinone metabolism
Compartmentation of redox metabolism
Lipoic acid metabolism
Mitochondrial antioxidant system
Oxidative protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum
Redox Metabolism
Thioredoxin, Glutaredoxin and Peroxiredoxin
A model for UbpX function in the regulation of PCNA deubiquitylation
Base excision repair of AP sites
DNA mismatch repair system
DNA Replication
Double strand break repair and homologous recombination
Genes involved in DNA repair
Model for translesion DNA synthesis
Nucleotide excision repair
Origin, repair and biological consequences of spontaneous AP sites
Pre-replicative complex formation and transition to replication
CCR4 – NOT complex
Cleavage and polyadenylation of pre-mRNA
DNA binding proteins with AP2 domain(s)
Lsm proteins and RNA processing
Pre-ribosomal particles along the 40S assembly pathway
Pre-ribosomal particles along the 60S assembly pathway
Protein factors in pre-mRNA 3’-end processing
Maturation and export of 60S and 40S ribosomal subunits
Secondary structure of spliceosomal RNAs
Splicing of pre-mRNA
Structure and processing of pre rRNA
RNA Degradation Factors
RNA polymerase I transcribes rRNA
RNA polymerase II transcribes mRNA
RNA polymerase III transcribes tRNA and 5S rRNA
The structures of RNA polymerases
Pathway for Cytoplasmic 40S maturation
Encoded proteins that could be constituents of P-bodies
mRNA degradation
Modification of the wobble position uridine (U34) in Lys, Glu, Gln, Leu and Arg tRNAs
mRNA 5' capping
Quality control in mRNA biogenesis
Various features of C/D and H/ACA snoRNAs
tRNA modifications
tRNA thiolation
tRNA-wybutosine biosynthesis
Schematic depiction of pseudouridylation
Genes coding for components involved in ribosome assembly
Initiation of translation
Involvement of GTP-binding proteins and ribosomes in amino acid shortage
Posttranslational translocation in eukaryotes
Protein biosynthesis
Ribosomal structure
Signal recognition particle-mediated targeting of membrane and secretory proteins
SRP-mediated targeting of membrane and secretory proteins – functional cycle
SRP independent translocation of GPI anchored proteins
Anaphase promoting complex ubiquitin-ligase
Genes coding for components of the proteasome degradation machinery & their timed transcription
Post-translational modification –SUMOylation
Putative SUMO substrates
Proteasome-mediated proteolysis of ubiquinated proteins
SCF (Skp1-Cullin-F-box) ubiquitin-ligase
The Atg8 and Atg12 ubiquitin-like conjugation systems
14-3-3 protein
Calcium – calmodulin activation of protein kinases
Cotranslational cleavage of N-terminal methionine residues and N-terminal acetylation
Modification of proteins by adenylylation and ADP-ribosylation
N-myristoylation, S-palmitoylation and prenylation of proteins
Protein N-terminal acetylation
Peptidases and proteases
Phosphatome - Phosphatases of Plasmodium falciparum
Protein arginine methylation
Protein kinase coding genes
Protein phosphorylation
Chaperone-assisted protein folding
Genes coding for chaperones and their regulators
The HSP70 chaperone cycle
Organization of chaperone pathways in the cytosol
Activation of eiF5A
Genes coding for GPI-anchored membrane proteins
Post-translational modification of elongation factor 2
Possible paths for apoptosis
Proteins of detergent-resistant membranes
Established and putative Maurer’s clefts proteins
Exported parasite proteins associated with Maurer’s clefts
Molecular model of vesicle exocytosis
Signal-peptide-containing exported proteins
Translocon of exported proteins (PTEX)
ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes
Centriole proteins
Centrosome proteins
Chromosome dynamics in cell cycle that lead to anaphase
Heterochromatin structure of the telomeric and subtelomeric regions
Kinetochores power chromosome movements in mitosis
Nucleosome assembly and regulation
Proteins involved in steps during passage through prophase
Putative organization of the kinetochore
Regulation of spindle microtubule dynamics
Structure and organization of centromeric chromatin
Structure of telomere and sub-telomeric regions
Structure of the mitotic centrosome
The mitotic spindle of P. falciparum
Acetylation recognition by the bromodomain and other modules
Chaperone-mediated modulation of nucleosome-histone interactions
Histone acetylation
Histone chaperones
Histone lysine methylation
Model of reaction schemes showing possible ADP-ribosylation and deacetylation outcomes of the sirtuin reaction
Plasmodium falciparum chromatin landscape
Plasmodium falciparum histone acetylation and methylation
Proteins containing histone post translational modification-binding modules
Topogenesis of the Rieske FeS protein
Chaperone network and protein quality control of the mitochondrion
Mechanism of Fe–S-protein biogenesis
Genes coding for Fe-S containing proteins
Import of proteins into the mitochondrion
Mitochondrial dynamics: overview of molecular mechanisms
Mitochondrial electron flow
Mitochondrial TCA cycle
Mitochondrial proteins
Pathways of peptide export from the mitochondrion
Biosynthesis of Fe-S proteins in the apicoplast
Nuclear genes with apicoplast signal sequences
Genes of the apicoplast genome
Integrated metabolism of the apicoplast
Translation in prokaryotes – a template for apicoplast and mitochondrion
The acidocalcisome
Possible reasons for increased permeability of host cell membrane
Sequential and parallel solute transport pathways
Solutes permeating through NPPs
Transport systems in normal and parasitized RBC
Genes coding for transport proteins
pH regulation in the parasite cytosol
Transporters of the plasma membrane
Transporters of the ER/Golgi and digestive vacuole membranes
Transporters of the mitochondrial and apicoplast membranes
Bulk mRNA transport through the nuclear pore
Import and export through the nuclear pore
Karyopherin/exportin-mediated nuclear export pathways
Structure of the nuclear pore
Adhesion properties that have been mapped to different PfEMP1
Constitutive and inducible receptors
Interactions between modified host cell membrane and endothelial cell
PfEMP1 domain architectures
Rosette formation between normal and infected RBC
Domains of merozoite surface proteins
Functional annotation of merozoite invasion-related proteins
Model for merozoite invasion
Merozoite components involved in attachment and initiation of penetration
Parasite invasion ligands and human erythrocyte receptors
Roles of rhoptry neck proteins during invasion
Subcellular localization of proteins involved in invasion
Role of perforin 1 in merozoite egress
Components of the linear motor responsible for merozoite motility in invasion
Control of microtubule assembly
Control of the mitotic spindle organization by kinesins
Different kinesins with different roles
Molecular motor prototypes
Tubulin and microtubules
Merozoite egress
Whole cycle
Ultrastructure of the merozoite - EM
Merozoites in segmenters
Ring Stage
Ultrastructure of the ring stage EM
Schizont stage parasite – EM
Morpholgy of developing P. falciparum mitochondrion
Morpholgy of developing P. falciparum apicoplast
Ultrastructure of the apicoplast EM
Apicoplast ultrastructure in Plasmodium falciparum merozoites
Golgi apparatus – development throughout the asexual life cycle
Ultrastructure of knobs - electronmicrograph
Apicoplast division precedes mitochondrial division during schizogony
Digestive vacuole
Hemozoin structure
Maurer’s clefts
Morphology of the ER during the asexual cycle of P. falciparum
Catabolism of polyphosphates
Generation of polyphosphates
Molecular markers of resistance to antimalarial drugs
Compartmentalization of transcription site in the nucleus
S-Glutathionylated proteins
Total palmitome of Plasmodium falciparum
Model of the Ube2w/CHIP/Ataxin-3 Ubiquitination Cycle
Biogenesis of cytochrome oxidase
Biogenesis of Maurer’s clefts
Actin and filaments
Glutamate metabolism
Arginine and proline metabolism
Rab cycle
Genes coding for enzymes/proteins involved in DNA replication
Genes coding for protein traffic related proteins
Proteins with ER retention sequences
Proteome of the parasitophorous vacuole
Rab proteins
Proteins targeted by the thioredoxin superfamily enzymes
Signaling machinery in malaria parasites
Subcellular location of adaptor proteins
ER-to Golgi, translocation and quality control
Large Tethering Complexes that Act in the Secretory and Endocytic Pathways
Endosome maturation
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-controlled endocytosis of host cell hemoglobin
Pyruvate metabolism
Rab and other proteins involved in intracellular traffic
Telomerase and some telomerase associated proteins
Models for ubiquitin (Ub) chain amputation and trimming in regulating proteasomal degradation
Phosphoinositides and membrane traffic
Asparagine and Aspartate metabolism
Classical clathrin-mediated vesicular transport
Classical COPI-mediated vesicular transport
Classical COPII-mediated vesicular transport
The ATG autophagic pathway
Replication in prokaryotes – a model for apicoplast and mitochondion DNA replication
Characteristics of Plasmodium falciparum export proteins that remodel infected erythrocyte
S-nitrosylated proteins
Acetyl-CoA production in the mitochondrion
Maturation of cytosolic and nuclear Fe-S proteins
Transcription in prokaryotes
Model for metabolic compartmentalization of PI biosynthesis
Transcription and processing of snRNAs
Maturation of snRNAs requires nuclear and cytoplasmic regulatory steps
Assisted assembly of Sm-class snRNPs
Hemoglobin digestion
Exported proteins of Plasmodium falciparum with confirmed location
Myristoylated proteins
Localization and function of some Hsp40s and Hsp70s
Properties of proteins exported to erythrocyte
Mitochondrial disulfide relay system
The ubiquitylation machineries of the ER for misfolded secretory proteins
Models for selenocysteine incorporation
Mechanism of ubiquitin transfer
Putative Golgi disassembly and reassembly mechanisms
MSPDBL and MSP1 mediate merozoite invasion
Proteins of the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane
Rab GTPase regulation of membrane identity
ADP ribosylation factors functions in the secretory pathway
Crosstalk between ubiquitination and SUMOylation
KEOPS complex
Apicoplast Kae1api-protein interactions
Subcellular location of exported proteins
Models of PEXEL and PNEP export
Proteins of erythrocyte-derived microvesicles
Effect of different motors on spindle length
Shared themes in cascading Rab and phosphoinositide pathways
Putative traffic mechanisms in Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes - II
Proteasome-mediated degradation of non-native ER proteins
Nuclear proteome
Sterol transport and phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate transfer between endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi membranes
A model for global single-strand break (SSB) repair
U6 snRNP role in pre-mRNA splicing
Hemozoin and b-hematin formation
Crystallization of Hemozoin and its Inhibition by Antimalarial Drugs
Merozoite ligands, their erythrocyte receptors
Proteolytic processing of the MSP1/6/7 complex
Location of lipid raft-associated proteins
Organellar distribution of translation components
Activation of the calcium and cAMP signaling pathway by melatonin
Localization of aminoacyl-tRNA ligases in the three protein translational compartments
HSP90-R2TP complex (yeast)
Model of RNA Pol II biogenesis
Alternative protein export pathways
PfWDR genes
Clp proteases and the translocon of exported proteins
Enhanced protein degradation by branched ubiquitin chains
Exportome - compiled from various sources
Glutathione metabolism
Cellular responses to endoplasmic reticulum stress
Models for TCA metabolism under various conditions
The fate of the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane
Parasite encoded proteins associated with the membrane of infected erythrocytes
The structure of translation initiation factor 3
Protein kinase G-dependent phosphorylation in schizonts
cGMP/PKG signalling in egress/invasion
Location and function of the six HSP70s in infected erythrocytes
RNA-binding proteins
Biogenesis and functions of mitochondrial cytochrome c
PfPKG-dependent phosphorylation in schizonts
Transcriptomic response of dihydroartemisinin (DHA) treated K1 strain trophozoites
Differential proteome analysis under drug treatment
Genes coding for apicoplast ribosome subunits
Genes coding for mitochondrial ribosome subunits
4-hydroxynonenal-modified proteins
Phosphoproteome of the merozoite
Proteins with conserved phosphatase related superfamily domains
Protein-Protein Interactions between Human Erythrocytes and Plasmodium falciparum
Proteins predicted to be involved in cell cycle regulatory network
Lysine acetylated proteins
Cerebral malaria
Symptoms of malaria
Severe malaria in children
Inflammation and loss of barrier integrity
Malaria infection disrupts nitric oxide metabolism
Cytoadherence is tissue-specific
Anti-parasite immunity
Innate sensors of Plasmodium PAMPs and malaria DAMPs
Potential immunopathological roles of monocytes and macrophages
Interactome of the Ser/Thr Protein Phosphatase type 1
DNA–protein crosslink repair
Pattern recognition receptors and the pathophysiology of malaria
Time course of invasion
The apical region of the merozoite
Steps of merozoite invasion
Malaria-associated syndromes
Exported proteins containing a PHIST domain
Epigenetic mechanisms in Plasmodium
PfEMP1-endothelial receptor interactions mediate microvascular bed–specific sequestration of P. falciparum infected erythrocytes (Ies)
Organellar ribosome assembly proteins and their predicted targeting
Organellar ribosomal proteins and RNA
Post-translational modifications identified of histones
Splicing and non-sense-mediated decay factors
Pathway for Cytoplasmic 60S maturation
Role of the PfRh5/PfRipr/CyRPA Complex during Invasion of Erythrocytes
Key steps and compartments in the protein export pathway
Central Carbon Metabolism
Architecture, Dynamic Formation, and Processing of the 90S Pre-ribosome during Early Ribosome Biogenesis
A Model for Hrd1-Mediated Retrotranslocation in ERAD
The homeostasis of Ca2+ in malaria parasites
Genes up and down regulated in response to ER stress
Assembly factors and their roles in quality control during ribosome maturation
Enzyme involved in protein degradation within mitochondria
Genes whose expression is highly positively or negatively correlated with pfcrt or pfmdr1
Chromatin dynamics controlling temporal regulation of var gene expression
Intracellular distribution of phosphoinositides and small GTPases involved in membrane traffic
Nuclear organization in Plasmodium
General roles of deubiquitinases
a-Linolenic acid (ALA) pathway
Components of translation machinery in apicoplast
Translation in mitochondrion
Rhoptry transition during invasion
Predicted protein-protein interactions of plausible stress helicases
mRNA-binding proteins in trophozoite and schizonts
A proposed mechanism of malaria fever induction
N-glycans biosynthesis
Fluorescence visualization of mitochondrion and plastid in a living schizont
The relationship between the apicoplast and the mitochondrion throughout the intraerythrocytic cycle
Important interacting proteins
CUL3 ubiquitin ligase is regulated by a calcium-dependent co-adaptor
Transcription associated proteins implicated in the transcriptional machinery
Autophagy and autophagy-related pathways
Peptides with confirmed methylated lysine residues
Protein-lysine methylation and demethylation
Proposed Antibody-mediated Mechanisms in Immunity to Blood-Stages
Drug targets
P. falciparum genes harboring G-quadruplexes
Top ranked surface exposed proteins
Genes encoding ubiquitin-related reactions
The ART proteome
Oxidative insult can induce malaria-protective trait of sickle and fetal erythrocytes
3D reconstruction of a late schizont stage-iRBC
Serial block-face scanning electron microscopy of ring and trophozoite stages
Postulated artemisinins’ modes of action
Evolution of parasite resistance to antifolates
Kelch13 propeller mutations are correlated with resistance to artemisinin
Mechanism of resistance to artemisinin
Polymorphisms associated with Plasmodium sensitivity to artemisinins
Prenylated proteins
Mechanisms involved in protection against malaria by monocytes and macrophages
Chromatin-associated protein degradation (CAD) regulated by CDC48–Ufd1–Npl4
Cdc48 is the driving force in the targeting of the ER-substrates to the 26S-proteasome
Arginine-methylated proteins
RNA Channeling in the Exosome-Ski Assembly during mRNA degradation
Working model for recognition of a stalled ribosome by recycling factors
Ribosome-associated protein quality control
Synergism between SWR1, HIRA and FACT in histone variant exchange
Role of histone exchange in transcription elongation
Distinct H3/H4 – histone chaperone complexes are marked by specific H3/H4 posttranslational modifications
The different RNA export pathways
Gene gating and mRNA export
Nuclear export of tRNA
Epigenetic regulation of specific genes and gene families in Plasmodium falciparum
GARP (Golgi-associated retrograde protein) complex
Vacuole biogenesis and ER proliferation
Assembly of the retromer complex
Differentially expressed genes in 3D7 strain treated for 5h with melatonin
Differentially expressed genes in different stages treated with cAMP
SNAREs and their accessories
Molecular aspects of rosette formation
SNAREs are traffic-specific
Enzymes involved in vthe metabolism of various sugar derivatives
Chaperones associate with proteins in various iRBC locations
ER Sec61 translocon
Plasmodium ubiquitin-protein conjugates
Transcripts translationally regulated in asexual blood stages
Histone post-translational modifications landscape
Components of exosomes
Non-Genetic or Missed Genetic Variation
Recruitment of the exosome to mRNA substrates
eIF5A Functions globally in translation elongation and termination
Mechanisms of crosstalk between autophagy and double-strand break repair
Induction of endothelial proinflammatory response and barrier dysfunction by P. falciparum
Hsp70 machinery interacts with J-domains
Pathogenic events that contribute to severe malaria
Proteins interacting with DnaJ proteins
Resistance mechanisms for clinically important antimalarial drugs
Schematic depiction of parasite invasion and egress
Extracellular vesicle involvement in malaria disease
High-resolution display of gene families in the subtelomeric compartment
Highest expressed genes based on mRNA abundance
Exon definition during the earliest stages of spliceosome assembly
Protein composition of affinity-purified exon and B-like complexes
SR (Ser–Arg) proteins
Mechanisms of alternative splicing by splice site selection
Mechanisms of alternative splicing regulation at the transition from exon definition to intron definition
Current anti-malarial agents
Drug-target associations predicted for P. falciparum
Enzymes involved in glycerophospholipid synthesis
New antimalarial drugs in the pipeline
Genetic polymorphisms in target-genes at and surrounding resistant linked mutations
Endothelial activation and chemokine secretion
Innate immune response to Plasmodium blood stage infection in the spleen
Endothelial permeability and neuroinflammation
Assembly and recycling of spliceosome components with respect to Prp8
Schematic representation of the spliceosome pathway in yeast
Spliceosome dynamics during the catalytic steps
Mechanisms underlying protection by sickle trait (AS) RBC against falciparum malaria
Causes of anemia in malarial infection
Oxidative stress in ß-thalassaemia and sickle cell disease
Localization and phenotype of splenic MF subsets and their role in malaria
Putative role of PfSR25 in activation of Ca2+ signaling and stress survival
Oxidative events in the bone marrow and circulation
Merozoite protein complexes
Hemoglobinopathies and their effect on parasite growth
Morphology of the merozoite
Single Gene/enzyme deletions predicted to cause impairment of metabolic networks
Essential metabolic genes
Associated clinical and molecular markers of resistance to antimalarial drugs
In vitro resistance to experimental antimalarials
Malaria parasite infection perturbs Na+ and K+ homeostasis in human erythrocytes
Approved drugs with anti-malarial activity and their possible targets
Lipolytic enzymes
Proteins with ATPase activity
Parasite proteins co-exported with Hsp70x
Pathophysiology of ß-thalassemia
a-Thalassemia – pathogenesis and clinical presentations
LysoPC depletion induces gene activity
Parasitophorous vacuole proteins
Regulated splicing through controlling the assembly of the core splicing machinery
Pellicle formation in the merozoite
Cooperation and competition of splicing factors in regulated splicing
Subcellular distribution of phosphoinositides
Genomic landscape of splicing regulators
G6PD deficiency and malaria
Emergence and spread of P. falciparum resistance to CQ, pyrimethamine and ART derivatives
O-GlcNAcylated proteins identified by mass spectrometry
Apicoplast putative membrane proteins
Network analysis of drCDC-UNK proteins and their potential protein interactions
Human genes that protect against malaria
Stage-specific involvement of cyclic nucleotide signaling components and calcium-dependent protein kinases
Localization of the key cyclic nucleotide signaling components in a merozoite prior to egress
Mutant genotypes associated with high levels of anti-folate resistance
Proteins and complexes that are involved in protein transport into the endoplasmic reticulum
dhfr and dhps mutations supporting their role in SP drug resistance and/or treatment failure.
Protein acetylation and lysine aminoacylation
Natural products with antimalarial activity
MSP1 as an anchor in merozoite invasion
Protein-protein associations involving proteases
Sugar nucleotide biosynthesis pathways
Redox-proteome changes induced by chloroquine across the intraerythrocytic stages of P. falciparum Dd2
Parasite proteins that form complexes with natural products
Genes differentially expressed in severe malaria
Resistance to experimental antimalarials generated in vitro
Gene expression affected by lumefantrine
Regulators of alternative splicing
80S ribosomes
Reactions and transformations of the superoxide anion
Candidate genes related to virulence
Antiplasmodial activities of compounds isolated from terrestrial plants
Antimalarial activity of plant metabolites
Volume and ion homeostasis of infected red blood cells during the intraerythrocytic cycle of the parasite
Binding modes of methyllysine readers
Fungal compounds with antimlarial action
Regulation of Sexual Commitment
Co-translational capturing of selected ribosomal proteins by their dedicated chaperones
Essential, Non-mutable genes
Physiology and biochemistry of the parasite as affected by inhibition of PfATP4
Functions of the ER–Mitochondrial contacts
Stages of parasite egress program
Epigenetic switching mechanisms
WD40 proteins as platforms of protein-protein interactions
Microtubule organization at the centrosome
Contribution of precursors to the biosynthesis of major phospholipid types
Roles of RecQ helicases
Model for the regulation of commitment and gametocytogenesis
Possible regulators of gene regulation during commitment and gametocytogenesis
Flavin-dependent and - containing enzymes
Maurer’s clefts complex morphology
Genes for which expression is significantly correlated with coma score
Functional orthologs of known cell cycle proteins in E. coli
Proguanil - effect of drug on gene transcription
Doxycycline - effect of drug on gene transcription
Chloramphenicol - effect of drug on gene transcription
Tafenoquine - effect of drug on gene transcription
Methotrexate - effect of drug on gene transcription
Geldanamycin - effect of drug on gene transcription
Chloroquine - effect of drug on gene transcription
Atovaquone - effect of drug on gene transcription
Artemisinin - effect of drug on gene transcription
Methyl Methanesulfonate - effect of drug on gene transcription
Model for cholesterol gradient development in the pRBC
The chaperone cycle of Hsp90
Food vacuole proteome
Kinetochore–microtubule attachment and kinetochore oscillations
Effects of small metabolites on gene expression
Transcriptional mediator complex
Effect of hyperoxia on gene expression
Program of malaria parasite egress
gp78 and Hrd1-mediated ERAD pathways
Domains binding modified histones
Histone modification cross-talk
Ultrastructural features of a intraerythrocytic Plasmodium falciparum – merozoite and ring
Ultrastructural features of a intraerythrocytic Plasmodium falciparum – trophozoite and schizont
Ultrastructure of the exomembrane system
Proteins associated with detergent-resistant membrane (DRM)
Schematics of the Apicomplexan cell cycle
Multifactorial roles of platelets in malaria pathogenesis
Model of lipid and protein uptake into the parasitophorous vacuole
Potential models for lncRNA-TARE at chromosome ends
Mitochondrial copper transport pathways to cytochrome C oxidase subunits
Transcription related proteins encoding genes
The proteome of the apicoplast
Histone mRNA degradation
Peroxidase active organelles
Phosphopoteome - Wu et al, 2009
Ultrastructure of the mitochondrion
The mitochondrion ultrastructure
Phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate-dependent and -independent export from the endoplasmic reticulum
Synergy between antimalarial compounds
Potential PKG substrates in schizonts
Cell cycle compartment assocation between P. falciparum cell cycle perturbed transcriptomes
Programmed cell death pathway
The 3D ultrastructure of an infected erythrocyte
Three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy and immuno-electron microscopy (EM) of infected red blood cells
Model of PfEMP1 export
Hsp90-associated multiprotein complex (R2TP-Hsp90 complex)
Potential roles of tRNA modifications in asexual blood stage development
Modified ribonucleosides in tRNA hydrolysates
K13-mediated resistance to artemisinins in mutated K13
Putative flagellar proteins
Ribosome recycling and mRNA surveillance
Alternative splicing events confirmed by RNA-Seq
Model of CNV development and selection
The 35 most abundant proteins
Potential Farnesylated proteins
Proteins released from infected cells during rupture
Subcellular localization of exported proteins
Apicomplexa divide by closed mitosis
Methyl lysine binding modules readers
Interactions of HDAC1 with other proteins
Processing or protecting stalled replication forks
Malaria merozoite invasion of the RBC and its inhibition
ER protein VAP establish membrane contact sites
Eukaryotic fMet/N-End Rule Pathway
Iron-containing proteins
Repetitive sequences in P. falciparum proteins
O-fucosylation and C-mannosylation on TSR repeats
HP1 enrichment values
The spleen and protection of Sickle-cell trait severe malaria
Packaging of remodeled GPI-anchored proteins into COPII coated transport vesicles
Dendritic cells link innate and adaptive arms of the immune system
Links between innate and adaptive immune responses to the blood stage parasite
Severe forms of malaria
Pitting of infected cells
Malaria during pregnancy
Cumulative frequency of kelch13 mutations (A) and haplogroups (B)
Signifcantly altered metabolic genes in response to hypoxanthine deprivation
Co-inhibition of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase/ornithine decarboxylase effect on gene expression
Tissue- specific, T cell- mediated immune resistance networks during infection
Total fatty acids in RBC and iRBC
Antibody-mediated immunity to malaria
B cell subsets and CD4 follicular helper T cell interactions during infection
Gamma-Delta T cells immunity during blood stage infections
Natural Killer cell cytotoxicity during blood-stage infections
Dendritic cells and T cells during blood-stage infections
Schematic representations of protein S-acyl transferases and their salient protein features
Domain structures of the putative lipolytic enzymes
Membranes and compartments of phospholipid synthesis
Non-redundant malarial structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB)
Alternative splicing
Interactions between FP2 and Hba, ß chains
Subunit composition of the yeast OST (oligosaccharyltransferase) complex
Schematic map of the mitochondrial genome
Pathophysiology of BBB leakage in CM
Mitochondrial LSU rRNA secondary structure
m6A Effectors: Writers, Erasers, and Readers
Protein nitrosylation and denitrosylation
Mechanisms for Cerebral malaria pathogenesis
Cell apoptosis in malaria
Carbonylated proteins at erythrocytic stages
Oxysterol binding protein (OSBP) structure and function
Schematic overview of drug resistance mechanisms
Drug resistance and fitness cost
Apicoplast DNA
Erythrocyte glycophorins as receptors for Plasmodium merozoites
Modulators of endothelial cell that may be relevant in BBB disruption during CM
Rhoptry neck and bulb proteins during and after invasion
Hypothetical routes to sexual differentiation
Metabolism of reactive lipid aldehydes via detoxification or carbonylation
Antimalarial drugs and associated markers of resistance in asexual blood stage parasites
Proteins interacting with histone deacetylase
Molecular targets of and mechanisms of resistance to major antimalarial drugs
Redox-based regulation of S-nitrosylation by Trx1
Proposed mechanism of delayed death
Prenylation dependence in delayed-death
Model for ubiquitin-mediated regulation of Ras
Primaquine mode of action
Transfer of polyubiquinated proteins to the 26S proteasome
Apicoplast functions with confirmed and potential drug targets
Isocryptolepine - effect of drug on gene transcription
Inhibition of Apicoplast Housekeeping Functions Leads to Delayed Death
Proposed mechanism of action for ozonide antimalarials
Genes encoding respiratory chain proteins
Host immune responses associated with protection against blood stage parasites
Host erythrocyte receptors for rosetting
Disruption of BBB caused by interaction between parasite and host factors
Events in merozoite egress
Contributions of natural killer cells to the immune response against Plasmodium
Interactome of mitochondrial 2-Cys peroxiredoxin
Interactome of cytosolic 2-Cys peroxiredoxin
The molecular machinery of translational regulation
Essential plastid biogenesis genes
Platelet activities during malaria infection
Model of the EXP1-defined nutrient-permeable channel function of EXP2 in the PVM
Forms of delayed death in Apicomplexan parasites
Lysine Methylation Regulators
Model for import of lumenal apicoplast proteins via the secretory system
The humoral response to malaria
Heterogeneity in immune responses in the controlled human malaria infection
Ozonide antimalarials alkylate heme
ERAD pathway in yeast
Gametocyte proteomics
Protein glycation by methylglyoxal, and deglycation by DJ-1
Mechanism of action of quinoline drugs
Type I interferons (IFNs) are important immunoregulators during malaria
Sequestration and pathogenesis in deep vasculature
Host responses to the parasite and immune regulation
Gametocyte IMC and plate formation
Changes in organ involvement in malaria with age
Plasmodium falciparum R2TP complex
var genes and PfEMP1 structure
PfEMP1 presentation on knobs on the IE surface
The signalling pathway involved in gametogenesis
Gametocyte development
Protein export in gametocytes
Putatively exported proteins in early gametocyte proteome
Antiplasmodial Natural Products – A 2019 Update
Autoimmune Anemia in Malaria
Lipid composition of RBC, trophozoites and gametes
Parasite resistance to artemisinin
Stage of peak activity for clinical and Experimenta antimalarials
Asexual blood stage-specific IC50 8h data in nM for some tested antimalarials
The parasitophorous vacuole
Regulation microneme secretion and invasion
Clp chaperones and proteases
Various ways by which P. falciparum parasite evades the immune system via secreted extracellular vesicles
N-end rule is highly regulated protein degradation pathway
Palmitoylation–depalmitoylation cycle in eukaryotic cells
The Chromatin Bound Proteome
U5 snRNP biogenesis
Type II rosetting
CLAG3 contribution to increased permeability of infected erythrocytes
Putative regulatory functions of nascent ncRNAs
Cholesterol sorting in iRBC
The rab switch and its circuitry
Metabolic alterations in the erythrocyte during blood-stage development of the malaria parasite
Lipids in infected vs uninfected RBCs
RNA exosome-mediated ns-ncRNAs degradation
Inflammasome regulation
Replication-coupled disassembly and reassembly of nucleosomes
The spleen in malaria
Mechanisms controlling RBP binding
Acute neutrophil responses in malaria
Possible trafficking pathways for STEVOR and RIFIN proteins
Apoptosis during Plasmodium life cycle in invertebrate and vertebrate hosts
Neutrophils and Malaria
Mechanisms of artemisinin activation and resistance
Natural Phenolic Compounds as Potential Antimalarial
Hypothetical distribution of proteins detected in microgamete proteome in the flagellar axoneme
Mitochondria copper homeostasis
Model for signal processing in the ER
Life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum
Antimalarials Active against the Five Gametocyte Stages
Cross-talk between the intraerythrocytic developmental cycle and host rhythms
Periodic gene expression
Nuclear architecture
The Clp complex is a master regulator of apicoplast biology
Reduced Kelch13 activity leads to ART resistance
3D Apicoplast and mitochondria morphology throughout segmentation
Nuclear architecture throughout segmentation 3D
The basal end and food vacuole
Apical end of a 2n nucleus in early segmentation
The whole 3D schizont
Parasite plasma membrane dynamics throughout segmentation
Parasite Histones Are Toxic to Brain Endothelium and Link Blood Barrier Breakdown and Thrombosis in Cerebral Malaria
Mechanisms by which antibodies participate in the clearance of P. falciparum-infected red blood cells
Synopsis of medicinal plants used in the management of malaria in Kenya
Nonprotein-coding transcriptome
a-acetylated N-termini of parasite proteins
P. falciparum proteins with no orthologs in H. sapiens
Temporal regulation of Rap
Marine-derived macrocyclic alkaloids
cGAS-STING Pathway Activation and Regulation during Plasmodium Infection
Role of heme oxygenase 1 in malaria
Malaria in pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes
RIFIN-mediated activation of leucocyte LILRB1 receptor
Multiple Dimensions of Gene Regulation by Long Noncoding RNAs
Model for assembly of a signaling complex during RBC invasion
Cholesterol pathways in host and parasite
Human plasminogen internalization in infected erythrocytes
Roles of carbon metabolism proteins in the apicoplast
Anti-malarial compounds derived from African medicinal plants
Nuclear pores in the malaria parasite
3D nuclear pores in the malaria parasite
3D analysis of nuclei in mid and late schizonts
Mining Sudanese medicinal plants for antiprotozoal agents
Antiplasmodials with no known or tested target
Placental malaria
Nucleosome occupancy and gametocyte commitment
Immunomodulatory effects of hemozoin
A model of extra-chromosomal DNA generation and maintenance
Malaria vaccine candidates in clinical development
Hemozoin (Hz) accumulation in tissues of patients with severe malaria
Biochemistry of red cell aging in vivo and storage lesions
Plasmodium In Vivo versus In Vitro
Changes in metabolite production and consumption in the red cell metabolic network
Changes in metabolite production and consumption in the red cell metabolic network, continued
Cold shock protein
Post-translational modifications - 2- hydroxyisobutyrylation, acetylation and crotonylation
Antibodies participate in the clearance of P. falciparum-infected red blood cells
Molecular mechanisms driving the different complications of severe malaria
Modes of action of perforin-like proteins
Lysine 2-hydroxyisobutyrylation and crotonylation
Crosstalk between metabolic intermediates, epigenetic regulators and transcriptional induction
cAMP-mediated regulation of NPP activity in gametocytes
Cerebral malaria MRI
Functional characterization of prefoldin subunits
Epstein-Barr virus - Plasmodium falciparum coinfection at blood brain barrier
Immune responses elicited by Plasmodium infection
Essential genes of parasitic apicomplexa - P. falciparum
Persistent asymptomatic infection in the dry season
Etiology of lactic acidosis in malaria
IFN-I response and signaling pathways in malaria parasite infections
K13's role in maintaining mitochondrial ETC functions
The spleen in malaria infection and immunity
Antiplasmodial marine natural product
Sulfenic and sulfinic acid redox cycles
Sulfenylated proteins identified by mass spectrometry
Transcriptomic and metabolic alterations in fosmidomycin-treated parasite
IMC (inner membrane complex) proteins
Origin of plastids through primary and secondary endosymbiosis
Malaria pigment crystals
The sporozoite journey to the hepatocyte and subsequent liver stage development
Extracellular vesicles prime uRBCs to enhance parasite invasion
The nuclear organization of two representative stages of the IDC
Different forms by which apoptosis is involved in malaria
Necrosis and pyroptosis act together in the pathogenesis of severe malaria
B cell responses and the induction of humoral immunity
The conoid complex in apicomplexan zoite forms
Circadian host cues, not environmental changes, synchronize the parasite population
Malonyl transferase reaction in acyl carrier protein
Fumarate metabolism
Eryptosis in malaria
Polar metabolites pool size
Lipid pool size
Antiplasmodials from natural resources 2010-2019
Metabolic pathways perturbed in the host during acute malaria
Interactions with the vasculature through the life cycle
The digestive vacuole
Calcium homeostasis and therapeutic targets
Molecular mechanisms of drug resistance
Oscillation-driven circadian clocks
Long regulatory elements
Imaging lipids in infected cells
Ultrastructure of the merozoite
The basal complex
Rhoptry fusion and antigen secretion
Essential Exportome PEXEL-ome and PNEP-ome
The SNARE conformational cycle during vesicle docking and fusion
Plants used to treat malaria in Latin America
Function of Sortilin in the regulated secretory pathway
The neddylation pathway
Assembly of a signaling complex during RBC invasion
Ultrastructure of the axoneme/flagellum
RNA Structurome
Divergent composition of the respiratory chain complexes
uORF-mediated translational regulation in the asexual stage
The apical complex and the fusion events required for rhoptry discharge
Cerebral Malaria and Protein S-Nitrosylation
RNA of unknown function or non coding
Parasite survival of host fever
All glycans with a role in Plasmodium infection
Early transmission stage development of Plasmodium and putative PTM involvement
ApiAP2 transcription factor PfAP2-HS drives activation of essential heat-shock responses
Zinc-finger motifs and proteins
Zinc-finger proteins
Involvement of host-miRNAs in Plasmodium infections
The organization of KAHRP
Malaria, sickle cell hemoglobin, high-mannose glycans, and erythrocyte phagocytosis
The fibrinolytic system and its roles in host and parasite
miRNAs and lncRNAs in malaria
Transcriptomic changes in HbAS RBC infected cells
Reviews on antiplasmodials
The liver stages
Proteins associated with placental parasites
Proteins identified from extracellular culture supernatant
Predicted Tail anchored proteins
Tail-anchored proteins and the GET pathway
Rhoptry discharge
Candidate Malaria Resistance Genes
Thrombocytopenia in malaria.
Copy number variation (CNV) genes
Highly Variable Genes
Glycans in parasites cell cycle
Gold Standard for Analyzing Malaria Drug Clinical Trials
Human miRNAs response to Plasmodium falciparum infection
Protein targeting to the vacuolar translocon by HSP101
m5C levels of transcripts in schizonts and/or gametocyte stages
Infected erythrocytes, IgG antibodies, and IgG effector function
MicroRNA biogenesis and mechanisms of action
Parasite genes important for egress
Model of eEF2 Activation by Hgh1, Cns1, and Hsp90
Clinical and Immunological Aspects in Cerebral Malaria
Chromatin-associated proteins
Parasite-derived extracellular vesicles
Proteins identified in IRBC-derived vesicles
Extracellular vesicles derived from IRBCs
Eryptosis in Plasmodium infection
RhopH synthesis and trafficking
Predicted potential drug targets using the PMH plus metabolic network
Proteins released by P. falciparum gametocytes upon induction
RhopH synthesis and trafficking.
Fast- and slow-acting antimalarials against cultured P. falciparum strains
Characteristics of known and putative P. falciparum transport proteins
Interactions between erythrocyte cytoskeletal and exported P. falciparum proteins.
lncRNAs operate by different mechanisms
Model for cAMP and Ca2+ mediated signaling pathways that regulate microneme secretion
Identification of erythrocyte proteins bound to exported P. falciparum proteins
The ferredoxin redox system
Different types of rosette and the key players involved in rosette formation
Lipid post-translational modifications
The general ATPase cycle of HSP70
Nonsplicing functions of Plasmodium serine-arginine proteins
Cholesterol binding proteins
Erythropoiesis in malaria
Different mechanisms of “lactylgenesis”
Pathogenic mechanisms leading to the breakdown of BBB
Characteristic features of Hsp70s
Chaperonin containing TCP-1 complex
Predicted GPI-anchored proteins
Cell fate decision events during sexual differentiation of malaria parasites
Plasmodium proteins involved in host immune evasion
GEP1/GCa-dependent cGMP signaling pathway
Proposed kidney–brain pathogenic axis in severe falciparum malaria
Parasite response to AA depletion
Dynamics of phospholipid asymmetry and cholesterol uptake upon parasite infection
Progression of nuclear cycle stages in mononucleated parasites
Kinases and their inhibitors
Plasmodium Iron-Sulfur [Fe-S] cluster assembly protein Dre2 MAL8P1.31
Intranuclear and subpellicular microtubules
Growth and fission of the mitochondrion
Organelle organization and fission during schizogony
Immune modulation by gut microbiota during infection
Involvement of pfaat1 haplotypes in CQ resistance
Apicoplast FeS assembly
Single-cell transcriptomes
PfAP2-MRP is a master regulator of malaria pathogenesis
PF3D7_0621000 rpo; PF3D7_0621000 ApSigma
Regulation of periodic apicoplast gene expression
The Maurer's clefts Dynamics
Apicoplast-targeting drugs
Nuclear organization
glutamine metabolism
lncRNA functions
Malaria therapies in the context of the Plasmodium parasite lifecycle
Different chromatin states indexing the genome in ring stage parasites and female gametocytes
FP2a trafficking pathway to the food vacuole
Antimalarial checkpoints in housekeeping pathways of the apicoplast
Artemisinin mode of action
Metabolism of phosphatidylinositol
Parasite clearance in the spleen
Host–parasite interactions at the cerebrovascular endothelium in cerebral malaria
Structures and Proteins in Host Cell Cytosol Uptake
The immunopathology of cerebral malaria
Components of Cytoplasmic Translation
The diverse antioxidant defense and redox systems in P. falciparum
Organellar genetics in Plasmodium
Peptide–drug conjugates
Ultrastructural expansion microscopy
Basal complex biogenesis and development throughout segmentation
Centriolar plaque biogenesis and dynamics
Duration of schizont stage and resulting merozoite numbers
Structure of GPIs of the blood-stage
DHHC-containing proteins
Isoprenoid biosynthesis new
Cytoadherence events in the vascular system
Vacuolar secretion pathways
Model of lipid and protein uptake into the erythrocyte DIV and the malarial vacuole
PLCd1 PH domain; pleckstrin homology (PH) domains of PLCd1 from the plasma membranes
The parasitophorous vacuole (PV) membrane
Parasitophorous vacuole proteins
Merozoite tomograph
DNA methylation is mediated by DNA methyltransferases
Epigenetics and Epitranscriptomics
Translocation and transport pathways
Export of Proteins
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