Search results: 1

Systematic Name Previously known as Formal Name Subcellular Localization Maps
PF3D7_0610400 PFF0510w histone H3 Picture 1
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Lysine acetylated proteins
Acetylation recognition by the bromodomain and other modules
Post-translational modifications - 2- hydroxyisobutyrylation, acetylation and crotonylation
Protein arginine methylation
Chromatin-associated protein degradation (CAD) regulated by CDC48–Ufd1–Npl4
The Chromatin Bound Proteome
Structure and organization of centromeric chromatin
Copy number variation (CNV) genes
Compartmentalization of transcription site in the nucleus
Differential proteome analysis under drug treatment
Domains binding modified histones
Epigenetic switching mechanisms
Distinct H3/H4 – histone chaperone complexes are marked by specific H3/H4 posttranslational modifications
Transcriptomic changes in HbAS RBC infected cells
Plasmodium falciparum histone acetylation and methylation
Histone modification cross-talk
Post-translational modifications identified of histones
Replication-coupled disassembly and reassembly of nucleosomes
Histone post-translational modifications landscape
Role of histone exchange in transcription elongation
Histone acetylation
Chaperone-mediated modulation of nucleosome-histone interactions
m5C levels of transcripts in schizonts and/or gametocyte stages
Binding modes of methyllysine readers
S-nitrosylated proteins
Nucleosome occupancy and gametocyte commitment
Nuclear proteome
Nucleosome assembly and regulation
Putative organization of the kinetochore
Phosphoproteome of the merozoite
Protein kinase G-dependent phosphorylation in schizonts
Proteins with ATPase activity
Synergism between SWR1, HIRA and FACT in histone variant exchange
a-acetylated N-termini of parasite proteins
Transcription associated proteins implicated in the transcriptional machinery
Transcription related proteins encoding genes
Plasmodium ubiquitin-protein conjugates
Chromatin dynamics controlling temporal regulation of var gene expression