Search results: 1

Systematic Name Previously known as Formal Name Subcellular Localization Maps
PF3D7_0207600 PFB0340c serine repeat antigen 5 Picture 1
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Lysine acetylated proteins
Post-translational modifications - 2- hydroxyisobutyrylation, acetylation and crotonylation
Chaperones associate with proteins in various iRBC locations
Functional orthologs of known cell cycle proteins in E. coli
Proteins of detergent-resistant membranes
Parasite genes important for egress
Gametocyte proteomics
S-Glutathionylated proteins
Transcriptomic changes in HbAS RBC infected cells
Highly Variable Genes
Highest expressed genes based on mRNA abundance
Parasite proteins co-exported with Hsp70x
Important interacting proteins
Parasite encoded proteins associated with the membrane of infected erythrocytes
Location of lipid raft-associated proteins
Established and putative Maurer’s clefts proteins
Merozoite egress
Functional annotation of merozoite invasion-related proteins
S-nitrosylated proteins
Nuclear proteome
Total palmitome of Plasmodium falciparum
Phosphoproteome of the merozoite
Proteins with ATPase activity
Protein-protein associations involving proteases
Proteins identified in IRBC-derived vesicles
Peptidases and proteases
Subcellular localization of proteins involved in invasion
Proteome of the parasitophorous vacuole
Repetitive sequences in P. falciparum proteins
Sulfenylated proteins identified by mass spectrometry
a-acetylated N-termini of parasite proteins
Transcripts translationally regulated in asexual blood stages