Search results: 1

Systematic Name Previously known as Formal Name Subcellular Localization Maps
PF3D7_1471100 PF14_0678 exported protein 2 Picture 1
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Protein targeting to the vacuolar translocon by HSP101
Post-translational modifications - 2- hydroxyisobutyrylation, acetylation and crotonylation
Chaperones associate with proteins in various iRBC locations
Genes whose expression is highly positively or negatively correlated with pfcrt or pfmdr1
Proteins of detergent-resistant membranes
Essential, Non-mutable genes
Components of exosomes
Exportome - compiled from various sources
FP2a trafficking pathway to the food vacuole
Food vacuole proteome
S-Glutathionylated proteins
Highest expressed genes based on mRNA abundance
Parasite proteins co-exported with Hsp70x
Important interacting proteins
Parasite encoded proteins associated with the membrane of infected erythrocytes
Location of lipid raft-associated proteins
Peptides with confirmed methylated lysine residues
Established and putative Maurer’s clefts proteins
Proteins of erythrocyte-derived microvesicles
Nuclear proteome
P. falciparum proteins with no orthologs in H. sapiens
Total palmitome of Plasmodium falciparum
Model of PfEMP1 export
Phosphoproteome of the merozoite
Proteins with ATPase activity
Protein-protein associations involving proteases
Proteins identified in IRBC-derived vesicles
Proteome of the parasitophorous vacuole
Translocon of exported proteins (PTEX)
Proteins of the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane
Characteristics of Plasmodium falciparum export proteins that remodel infected erythrocyte
Subcellular location of exported proteins
a-acetylated N-termini of parasite proteins
Characteristics of known and putative P. falciparum transport proteins
Transcripts translationally regulated in asexual blood stages
Plasmodium ubiquitin-protein conjugates