Map Index

Biochemistry 216
Cell-Cell Interactions 68
Drug 85
Genetic Information Processing 221
Morphology and Pathology 163
Physiology 204
Apicoplast functions 21
Common for mitochondrion and apicoplast 9
Hemoglobin digestion in the food vacuole 7
Intracellular traffic 37
Mitochondrial functions 29
Other functional processes 28
Other organelles 12
Permeability of the membrane of the infected RBC 8
CLAG3 contribution to increased permeability of infected erythrocytes
Human plasminogen internalization in infected erythrocytes
Malaria parasite infection perturbs Na+ and K+ homeostasis in human erythrocytes
Possible reasons for increased permeability of host cell membrane
Sequential and parallel solute transport pathways
Solutes permeating through NPPs
Transport systems in normal and parasitized RBC
Volume and ion homeostasis of infected red blood cells during the intraerythrocytic cycle of the parasite
Protein Export 41
The parasite cell membrane 5
Transport through the nuclear pore 4
Transporters of intracellular membranes 3